Littleton ESD Athletics
The Littleton Elementary School District believes that athletics is an essential component of a sound educational program. Our Athletic program offers unique opportunities outside of the classroom to promote self-discipline, improve self-image, and encourage a healthy sense of competition. Our program strives to embody high standards of sportsmanship while allowing our student-athletes to develop leadership, cooperation, and other vital life skills in a safe, healthy, and fun environment.
Participation Requirements
It is our goal to foster and encourage positive, open communication between parents, guardians, and coaches. The health and welfare of our student-athletes is the highest priority. We will make every effort to ensure a healthy environment and safe training conditions for our athletes. Prior to participation in any aspect of the athletic program, the information will be available for parents and guardians explaining the following:
- Try-out procedures
- Eligibility requirements
- Participation fee agreement
- Season game and practice schedule
- Insurance requirements
The Littleton Elementary School District is able to provide the following programs because of the support of local voters and community members. We hold a budget override election every four years, and without voter approval, the athletic program would not be possible.
- Flag football
- Volleyball
- Basketball
- Soccer
- Baseball
- Softball
- Virtual Online Sports