Littleton Safety and Security Measures
The Littleton Elementary School District (LESD) is committed to the safety and security of all LESD students, staff, and visitors. We focus on providing safe learning and work environments for all. Therefore, we have many procedures in place to deal effectively and realistically with situations that could occur in or around your child’s school. While we hope that a serious incident never occurs, our goal is to be prepared for any potential emergency. The Littleton district schools work in partnership with local law enforcement and first responders, specifically, the police and fire departments of Avondale, Tolleson, and Phoenix, to monitor and ensure that our school communities are safe. LESD has a comprehensive plan in place to support our focus on safe schools which includes but is not limited to:
- Strong partnerships with local law enforcement and first responders
- Each school conducts the following drills with students and staff with specific protocols in place for each
- Monthly fire (evacuation) drills
- At least two lockdown drills per year – Lockdown! Locks, Lights, Out of Sight!
- Secure drills – Secure! Get inside. Lock outside doors!
- Hold drills – Hold! In your room or area. Clear the halls!
- Regular bus evacuation drills
- Staff safety training
- Safety committees at all schools that support, promote, and enhance safe learning and working environments for all students and adults
- Risk/threat assessment teams at all schools who conduct risk/threat assessments to help determine whether a student poses a threat of violence to self or others
- Closed campuses
- Single point of entry for visitors
- All volunteers are screened and processed through the district parent liaison
- Zonar – MyView bus pass system
The Littleton Elementary School District recently joined forces with neighboring school districts in the southwest valley to form the Southwest Valley Safety Coalition collaborating with local police and fire departments, school district superintendents, administrators, educators, and safety training professionals. A goal of the coalition is to help educate staff, students, and community members on protocols, practices, drills, and information to help during a crisis situation. The Littleton Elementary School District, in partnership with local law enforcement, utilize the I Love U Guys Foundation standard response protocol (SRP). The standards response protocol is a nationally recognized protocol that is simple for staff and students. School districts involved in the Southwest Valley Schools Safety Summit also use the I Love U Guys standard response protocol.